Water Heating - Direct Steam Injection

Constant Flow Liquid Heater

The Constant Flow Direct Steam Injection Heater is used wherever a constant flow of heated liquid at a precisely controlled temperature is required.

It is ideal when the flow rate is fixed or varies over a narrow span (3:1), or where variations in flow are gradual and on/off cycling does not occur.

The Constant Flow Direct Steam Injection Heater is delivered as a complete, compact system including all piping, valves and controls. It can be easily customized to meet your plant specifications.

Constant FlowHow it Operates
  1. Water (or water-miscible liquid) enters mixing chamber here.
  2. Set controller to desired outlet temperature.
  3. Modulate steam control valve, activated by the temperature controller, admits just enough steam to maintain the desired outlet temperature.
  4. Steam and liquid mix thoroughly within the heater body.
  5. Heated liquid outlet.


Manufactured by:
Pick Heaters Inc.

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